- 'Tis the Hunting Season
- 'Tis the Hunting Season/Transcript
- 142. Looney Tunes: 200 Episodes!!! DVD
- 14 Carrot Tales
- 1949 (UK VHS)
- 1950 (UK VHS)
- 1951 (UK VHS)
- 1952 (UK VHS)
- 1953 (UK VHS)
- 1954 (UK VHS)
- 1955 (UK VHS)
- 1956 (UK VHS)
- 1957 (UK VHS)
- 1958 (UK VHS)
- 1959 (UK VHS)
- 1960 (UK VHS)
- 1961 (UK VHS)
- 1963 (UK VHS)
- 7TWO
- 89. World War II DVD
- ATS-129
- A Baby Looney Tunes Special: Let's Potty!
- A Baby Looney Tunes Special: Let's Potty!/Transcript
- A Bad Feeling 'Bout This
- A Cat-astrophic Concerto
- A Daffy Scam
- A Day Without Tears
- A Documentary of Tasmania
- A Doraemon Spring Break Special
- A Duck in the Hoof
- A Ducky Gorilla
- A Fine Day Out
- A Good Catnap
- A Hare is Born
- A Lad from Bag Dad
- A Little Mouse's Tale
- A Looney Chirstmas
- A Looney Finale
- A Looney Tune Adventure
- A Looney Tunes' Quest for Camelot
- A Looney Tunes Christmas Carol
- A Looney Tunes Christmas Carol/Credits
- A Looney Tunes Origin
- A Looney Tunes Valentine
- A Murder Solving Gang Divided!
- A Pac-Man Story
- A Rabbit Without a Cause
- A Sense of Snow
- A Sitpoppity Coyote
- A Special Kitty
- A Streetcar Named Dot
- A Tale Of Two Spacemen
- A Very Looney Christmas
- A Very Looney Prom
- A Wild Safari
- A bunny wedding
- A pet birthday granny
- Accident Analysis
- Acme (UK VHS)
- Acme 2 (UK VHS)
- Acme Chaos
- Ad-maniacs
- Adventures In Babysitter
- Adventures in WereKitty Sitting
- Aech
- Agent Smith
- Ain't Life Tweet?
- Al-G Rhythm
- Alan Cumming
- Albus Dumbledore
- Alexa Bunny
- Alfred Pennyworth
- Alix
- All For a Bird
- All That Glitters
- All This and Bloopers Too
- All This and Bloopers Too/Transcript
- Alya the Squirrel
- Am i okay?
- Amblimation
- Amblin Entertainment
- Ami and Yumi Goes Beach Balling with Mr. Whiskers
- An Unlucky Sheriff
- Andy Carmichael
- Anger Toonagement
- Anima-humans
- Anima-humans/Transcript
- Animaniacs: The Series filmography
- Animaniacs: The Series filmography/Eras
- Anna Kendrick
- Anna Kendrick (character)
- Ant (Ant and Grasshopper)
- Ant Does It!
- Ant and Grasshopper
- Applelorn Leghorn
- Aquaman
- Arley Swaby Sr.
- Art3mis
- Arya Stark
- Astro
- At All Speed
- At the Beach Ballooney Tunes
- At the Swimming Pool
- Austin Powers
- Austrailan Broadcasting Corpoation DVD
- Away With Hurds!
- BJ Through The Years
- Babbit, Catstello and the Mynah Bird
- Babs bunny
- Babs in Fashion
- Baby Bop Through The Years
- Baby Fasty
- Baby Looney Tunes: The Movie !
- Baby Looney Tunes: The New Adventures
- Baby Runner
- Back Alley Oproar (The New Looney Tunes Show)
- Back In Looney
- Back in Style (The New Looney Tunes Show)
- Backwoods Babes
- Bad Luck Daffy
- Ball Fun with Wile E. Coyote Genius
- Ball Popping Hare
- Baloney's Alphabet Zoo
- Baloney’s Bouncing Circus
- Balter
- Bam
- Bane
- Bank
- Barn Accident
- Barney
- Barney Rubble
- Barney Says
- Barnyard Dawg
- Barnyard Dawg (1990)
- Barnyard Fugitive
- Bat-Rabbit Through The Years
- Bathtub Ride
- Batman
- Batman (The Lego Movie)
- Batman (franchise)
- Battle For A Carrot
- Bawong Boing
- Baz
- Be Looney
- Be My Inflator
- Beach Ball Bashing Coyote
- Beach Ball Fetish
- Bear (Deer & Bear)
- Beast Boy
- Becil
- Bedtime Stories
- Beef Jerkies
- Beetlejuice
- Belmer
- Ben Affleck
- Ben Mendelsohn
- Benny
- Best Of Bugs Bunny 1999 VHS, 2003 DVD
- Best Of Daffy Duck
- Best of Looney Tunes
- Big Bat of the Mountain
- Big Bat of the Mountain/Transcript
- Big Bird
- Biggest Party Video
- Biggest Party Video 2
- Biggest Party Video Ever!
- Biggest Party Video Ever 2
- Bill Farmer
- Bill Skarsgard
- Billy the Lonely Boy
- Birds In Love
- Black Adam
- Blacque Jacque Shellacque
- Blast to the Stars
- Blockbuster Warners
- Blossom
- Blowing Up and Popping Several Punch Balls
- Bob's Machine Team
- Bob Bergen
- Boghorn
- Boo
- Boo-Boo Bear
- Books & News
- Border Disorder
- Bosko
- Bounce Hop!
- Bounce and Blow
- Bouncing on the Bounciest Hopper Ball with Springs on the Bounciest Trampoline After Drinking Bouncy Potion
- Bouncing to Cry
- Bouncy Bunny
- Bouncy Time
- Boy's Night Out
- Brain of the Opera
- Brainpalooza
- Brains vs. Blossom
- Brand Walsh
- Brandy's Playtime with his Friends
- Brandy Eats a Photo/Punishment Day
- Brandy Throws A Tantrum
- Breakdown Rabbit
- Breakdowns of 1939
- Breakdowns of 2019
- Brony Bunny
- Bubbles
- Buddy
- Buddy's Newsreels
- Buddy Hobbs
- Bugs Bunny
- Bugs Bunny's, Wakko's and Robin's Inflatable Popping Obsession
- Bugs Bunny's Birthday At the House of Toons
- Bugs Bunny's House of Toons: The Movie
- Bugs Bunny's Very Big Spring-tastic Tales
- Bugs Bunny's Ways To Cook A Duck
- Bugs Bunny: Attorney at Law
- Bugs Bunny (1971 film)
- Bugs Bunny (The New Looney Tunes Show)
- Bugs Bunny - Volume 2 (1990) (UK VHS)
- Bugs Bunny - Volume 3 (1990) (UK VHS)
- Bugs Bunny - Volume 4 (1990) (UK VHS)
- Bugs Bunny Gets Grounded
- Bugs Bunny Gets The Boid
- Bugs Bunny Ultimate Collection
- Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck: The Looney Tunes Movie
- Bugs Bunny and Donald Duck
- Bugs Bunny and Woody Woodpecker Builders
- Bugs Bunny and the Gang Together Again
- Bugs Bunny at the Symphony II: The 30th Anniversary Soundtrack
- Bugs Bunny’s Best Sitpop
- Bugs Bunny’s Carrottunes
- Bugs Bunny’s Reunion
- Bugs Saves The Day
- Bugs and Daffy's Double Date
- Bugs and lola meets Nick and Sarah
- Bugs bunny at the movies
- Bugs the Wonder Bunny
- Bugs vs Miss Bad
- Bugschu
- Bugsladdin
- Bugsladdin/Transcript
- Bugsy and his Friends
- Bugs’ Mind Problem
- Build A Chick
- Bumblebee
- Bunny's pet dog
- Bunny Dearest
- Bunny Feud
- Bunny and Claude
- Bunny and Claude (The Looney Tunes Peanuts Show)
- Bunny wedding
- Bunnymaniacs
- Busted Turtle
- Buster Bunny (The New Looney Tunes Show)
- Buster Bunny Pops All of Montana Max's Hopper Balls/Grounded/Concussion Time
- Butt Crushed
- Buttercup
- Butterduck
- Butto-Coyote
- CJ
- Caged Birdies
- Cakeland Married
- Calling All Loonies 1998 VHS, 2002 DVD
- Cam
- Camp Hare
- Candy Bar Creep Show
- Carl
- Carlotta
- Carnival Chaos
- Carrotblanca (The New Looney Tunes Show)
- Carrotblanca (The New Looney Tunes Show)/Transcript
- Cartoon Network presents Warner Brothers’ House of Toons
- Cartoon Network rearranging: Bugs Bunny and his movies.
- Cassandra
- Cassiopeia
- Castaras
- Cat's Trouble
- Cat Brother, Where Art Thou?
- Cat Gable (Short)
- Cat the snail
- Catering Frenemies
- Cats and Rabbits
- Catwoman
- Caveman Tales
- Cecil Turtle
- Cedric Joe
- Censored Eleven DVD
- Chain Gang Pepe
- Changes of the Wales Looney Tunes Golden Collection
- Characters
- Charlie Brown
- Charvin
- Chaser Kitty
- Chases, Races and Runaways
- Cheaks and Cheaks and Wakko
- Chicken, Puma, Dog and Girl
- Chickens go to School
- Chihiro At Your Service
- Chocolate, Cheese and Coffee
- Chores for Whiskers
- Chris Hemsworth
- Chris Pratt
- Chris Pratt (character)
- Christmas At the House of Toons
- Christmas Revenge
- Christopher Corey Smith
- Christopher Lloyd
- Chuck
- Chuck Jones
- Chuck Jones Bugs and Daffy (1964-1967)
- Chunk Cohen
- Cinema Porky
- Classic Collection (DVD reissue)
- Classic Looney Bounce
- Claudette Dupri
- Claws in the Lease (The New Looney Tunes Show)
- Clean Cement
- Clyde Bunny
- Cody
- Cole
- Colin Farrell
- College Boy
- Collin the Speedy Boy and Looney Tunes: When Worlds Unite
- Collin the Speedy Boy and Looney Tunes: When Worlds Unite/Transcript
- Colorizing the Warners
- Colorizing the Warners/Transcript
- Commissioner Gordon
- Computer Wabbit
- Conductor
- Confu-Scent Trouble
- Conqueror Warner
- Convention Critic
- Cottontail Smith
- Cow
- Cowardly Lion
- Coyote Barfs
- Coyote gets the boot
- Crime and Dis-Odor
- Crow Trouble
- Crushin' the Crusher
- Cuddly E.Hugs
- Curing of the Zany
- Curtis
- Cute and Cuddly Young Bugs Bunny
- Cutie and the Beast (The Looney Tunes Show)
- Cyborg
- Cyborg (Teen Titans Go!)